Monday, October 17, 2011


thurs. oct 13

7 pm

as i eagerly await to hear of any news about my new niece or nephew!!! i can't stop thinking about humor. the country had monday off as a holiday as the sunday prior was "children's sunday". i decided to meet my closest neighbor (jenny) on my bike and head on to the beach. about half way between her place and the beach a dog ran out of the bushes barking at me. pretty used to this, i looked down and quietly muttered "halu" - go away. guess i should have said it louder as the dog took no notice of this and bit my leg. it hurt. but blood wasn't dripping so i kept riding. it quickly got pretty swollen and bruised, but i still had a great day off. the ride home i was clenching a giant rock, but thankfully didn't have to use it. it's not infected yet so i'm thinking things should heal.

today i decided to get back on and ride to the store a few villages away and get an onion and a coke. as i rode thru the neighboring village two middle aged women howled and barked at me. i stuck my tongue out at them and pretended to throw the rock i was carrying at them. on my way to the store, i realized that their behavior might be categorized as insensitive…but my new way of reacting to uncomfortable situations, laughing, made me not really care. on my way back home thru the same village about 10 people again barked and howled, including children and men this time. i laughed and showed them the even bigger rock i had this time. in short, i can't get a handle on my humor and sorry if when i come home (in 2 months!) i laugh at inappropriate times.


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